Saturday, January 31, 2009


It was back to work for me this past week. Where did all of those vacation days go? It was nice to be back in the Center. For those who aren't aware, I work for Distribution Services for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The sisters that work with me are : Denice Floyd, Sharon Amberry, Lisa Clark, Nan Call, and Joyce Chesney is our "on call" gal. Today I got to go to the Woodhouse Spa in Lone Tree. It is about 10 minutes from our home. My oh my.....totally relaxed and feel like a whole new girl. The woman that worked on me is named Anna. I had some kind of 90 min. facial. It feels so good....I wish it could erase the years but none the less, it feels great. She taught me things and old dogs and bears really do need to learn new tricks. When Kurt wakes up from his nap, we are going to dinner at Rio Grande. We have never been but I spied it today while walking towards the spa. We are starting to put some ideas out for our next dinner party on Feb 28th. I think it will be an Italian one. Need to work on the ideas and check out Maggies Dinner Dates for some more ideas.

Monday, January 26, 2009

My Girls

Anna and Tiffany January 23, 2009

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Time To Blog

The Home Teachers just left and Kurt went with them to Stake Priesthood Meeting. We love Brs. Stanworth and Cowden. Great men and fun to be around. I have been trying to upload a darling picture of Tiffany and Anna. And will need to have Tiff help as there seems to be a glitch. We have decided February 28th is the next Kammeyer Party. We are following the ideas from Maggie's Dinner need to see her blog. This party will be an indoor BBQ Anna has agreed to babysit so things will all go smoothly. Life is if I can just upload this photo of Tiffany and Anna

Saturday, January 24, 2009


The Soup Social would not have happened had it not been for Maggie Goeble of Las Vegas. I found her blog spot "Maggie's Dinner Dates" and it just looked like so much fun to do. Maggie had everything mapped out for me or you...and who couldn't follow that kind of plan....We had a great time at the Soup Social. So check out Maggie's Blog and be ready to be totally impressed and inspired!!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Jan 16 09

John Greaves


Karen Amason Tanja and John Greaves

Soup Social

Nana, Lillie and Papa

Soup Social Janaury 16, 2009

Here are some pictures of the Soup Social This is our beautiful Anna who volunteered to provide babysitting for the couples coming to the Social. She even had a Buffet for the kids. Way to go ANNA!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Favorite TV Shows: 1.NBC Nightly News 2.National Geographic 3.Dugger Family on Discovery 4.AC 360 Favorite Things To Do: 1.Organizing my home. [something quirky that has just started] 2.Complete quilting and crocheting projects 3.Music [ a given and probably shouldn't be listed since I do this every day] Favorite Restaurants: 1.Cheese Cake Factory 2.Olive Garden 3.GOOD Chinese Food New Things: 1.Having Socials in our home 2.Loving our ellipitcal machine