Sunday, February 8, 2009


Tiffany is very sick with a strep infection. Paul took the kids to the Monster Truck Rally at the Pepsi Center. Kurt is at Church and I am the designated "at home nurse". It is great as I have caught up on my Book of Mormon reading and get to listen to some music Tiff gave me. It is very relaxing. Usually when I listen to music, my mind goes to work analysing chord structures and progressions. Sort of takes the fun out of it. But this is not the case today. It has been a great week at work. I love the sisters I work with. Plus we are sharing a ton of ideas for dinner parties etc. Everyone is on the band wagon. I ordered this cookbook, that is really more than an ordinary cookbook, from "The Gathering of Friends" website. Took it to work and everyone was just goin' nuts over it. Lisa took it home to use some of the recipes for her dinner party this coming Friday night. Thinking about cooking and sharing with friends has become a very focused idea for us. We are looking forward to our next gathering on Feb 28th. We will post pictures and recipes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It sounds wonderful how you are all so excited about sharing meals with friends. I haven't been able to get my good friends to jump on board... they just aren't that social. But that's ok... we will do it enough for everyone in the ward.